Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Assignment #2-Important writing

My best friend Steph gave me this book for a Christmas gift two years ago, it's called, The Gas We Pass: The Story of Farts by Shinta Cho. I know this sounds really silly, and it is, but that's what I love about it. I am always able to get a good laugh out of reading it, and especially when I'm missing Steph since she left for college, I just sit down and read this book, and am instantly reminded of the good memories we have had. Here is one of my favorite passages, "The farts of animals who eat things like potatoes and grass-such as elephants, rhinos and hippos-don't smell that bad. But eating potatoes or grass causes lots of gas to build up in their intestines which makes them fart a lot."(Cho) this is just an example of one of the passages I find hilarious and always seems to cheer me up.

1) Is there a piece of writing that always puts you in a good mood or makes you laugh? Or is there a children's book that you still enjoy reading today? What is it and what about it makes you happy, or do you find interesting?
2)Do you think that there is a line of vulgarity in writing that shouldn't be crossed? Do you think this book crosses that line? When a book talks about so-called inappropriate material, is it mocking certain types of writing? For example, a children's book or a book of poems.


robena said...

my favorite children's book would probably be "One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish" by Dr. Seuse. i like the book cause its fun to read, about all the fishes. and it kinda makes me feel like a kid again. plus i like some of Dr. Seuse's books.

zoe said...

My favorite children’s book BY FAR is Harold and the Purple Crayon. I LOOOVE this book because with simply a purple crayon a little boy visits the world. As a little kid reading the book it made me feel like I could go anywhere and do anything, and re-reading it as an older kid made me remember what it was like to feel that way and wishing I could believe it still full-heartedly.