Thursday, November 1, 2007

Assignment #7

1) I liked the poetry the most because I felt like I was more able to write about what I wanted to write about, rather than what I am being told to write aboout, there was more creative freedom. There aren't really any rules with poetry.

2) Although my favorite thing to do was to write poetry, my favortie pieces of writing were some of the prompts. It was really interesting writing "things I no longer do", and "most beautiful place" because it really brought back memories and forced me to think.

3) I have found that I don't like the structure and direction, but I need a lot of feedback. Also, when I start writing, I just keep going, I can't just stop, in fear of losing my train of thought.

4) I would like to spend some time on memoirs.


Franchestco said...

I understand what you are saying in #3 because some times when I write or even read I can't stop.

robena said...

woo claire first quater already done. it sad cause it feels like only yesterday that we started this lol, anyways i'm with you with alot of feedback and i really hate everytime i loose my train of thought. this quater i liked your second short story even though it kinda took me a while to figure out that the girl was dead