Monday, December 3, 2007

Assignment #10

1) I see more hatred between people than ever before, I know I am young, and I don't know directly about the hatred in the past, but in everyday life, there is so much anger and disrespect. I listen to people's conversations, and so often you hear the words, "hate", "gay", "fag", "f***ing"'s disappointing, and it's so hard to remain happy and content in a society filled with so much angst. In politics, in school, at work, in the media, I wish everyone could just cool down and try being peaceful for once.
I sound like a hippie, but it's so true.

2) A dynamic person that I know is my friend and counselor Jesse. He is insane. He is a commercial fisherman in the winter(as in crab fishing, like in the TV show "The Deadliest Catch") which is crazy in and of itself. In the fall and spring he lives in Hawaii where he does basically nothing but surf and have BBQ's on the beach with the locals. In the summer he is a church camp counselor where he follows no rules and jumps off of lots of cliffs with us. He is certainly dynamic.

3) I like the book, "Paddle Whispers" by Douglas Wood, it is about the BWCA and Quatico Superior, relaxing and amazing.


robena said...

haha nice claire. yea it sounded a little hippie-ish but it's true, people need to turn it down and maybe there wouldn't be so much violence.

zoe said...

Agreed. Paddle whispererssersefxcffd is where it's at.

Mr. Miles said...

I know someone who is not a native speaker, and he uses a lot of swear words when he talks. I don't he understands who harsh it sounds to everyone else. You're right. It does sound very aggressive and hateful.

I think the best way to overcome hate is 1) with love (as in, treating people with respect no matter how much you disagree with them) and 2) meeting people. If you really get a chance to know someone, you struggle to hate them. A big thing is forgiveness. You just have to forgive someone because if you choose to hold a grudge, you are hurting yourself and feeding into the mass of hate.