Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Assignment #9-Happiness

1) When you are overcome with a feeling of extreme comfort in your surroundings.

2) I am happy when I am with my friends, doing what we love to do. I am the kind of person that needs other people to be happy. I find myself to be happiest when I'm hiking, camping, swimming, dining, singing, doing synchro and sometimes working; all with the people I love most, the people that make me laugh and smile.

3) My family influences my happiness, when they're happy, I can be happy. Also, my co-workers influence my happiness, I love it when I can walk into work, and my supervisor says, "CLLAAIIRE!! You're here!" it just sets the tone for the whole shift.

4) I impact my family's happiness, if I'm crabby, then they're gonna get crabby and visa-versa, if I'm excited and happy, I'm gonna try to get them to play along with me.

5) My greatest need in life is human contact, I love to be social, and without my friends and family, my community, I would be nothing.


zoe said...

I agree. Family for sure influence each others happiness.

hamdi said...

Hi claire
i liked the way answered the questions and #4 was one of the best.

robena said...

loves what you said, i like the whole part of when you come to work its like wooo what an awesome day it's gonna be. happiness is cool go disney movies lol